Holy Trio Sayings: 27th June

27 June
Get freedom, even at the cost of life.
p.18, , V.7, Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda , Inspired Talks
Take my word; nowhere do the scriptures advocate a stupefied state, a cessation of all activities, and mechanical withdrawing of the hands and feet from work. In the state of ignorance, people work with the idea that it is their work. When one attains knowledge and devotion, one gets rid of that egoistic idea. The devotee works for the Lord. The jnani, even while working, knows that he is not he doer and is at perfect rest.
p.221, Spiritual Treasures, Swami Turiyanandaji's letter on 27 June, 1920 from Varanasi.
Pray hard. Pray like a child. Go to a quiet place and keep crying for the Master. Don't let others know of it. Do it secretly. Cry, cry hard. The Master will grant you a vision. p.92, Letters for Spiritual Seekers, Mahapurush Maharaj's letter from Almora on 27 June, 1915.
What are instructions? Repeat the name of Sri Ramakrishna. That name uplifts the fallen. Meditate on his holy form, worship him, read books about him, sing songs dedicated to him, talk about his holy life with his devotees and love and serve all living beings.
p.196, Letters for Spiritual Seekers, Mahapurush Maharaj's letter from Belur Math,28 June, 1922.


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